
Through this practical webinar, he will develop a new approach of local anaesthesia and SOLUTIONS bringing full satisfaction both to the practitioner, to his/her staff, and to the patients.
With Pr. Johan APS

Dr. Luc Berden wird das Prinzip der intraossären Anästhesie, ihre täglichen praktischen Vorteile und die einfache, schnelle und bequeme Durchführung mit einem speziellen Gerät erläutern.
Ein 50-Minuten-Webinar um alle Probleme bezüglich mandibularen Molaren zu lösen (und vieles mehr). Finden Sie innovative Möglichkeiten um die Leitungsanästhesie endlich zu einem Museumsstück zu machen.
With Dr Luc BERDEN

Learn through a practical and step by step approach, the advantages of intraosseous anesthesia in your daily practice and start using the technique now.
With Dr Marina PAPACHRONI & Dr Andrew PRYNNE

Hoy en día la Odontología se presenta bajo un contexto de evolución y cambios que vienen dados gracias a la era tecnológica aplicada a la salud bucal como son el scanner intraoral, el uso de impresoras 3D y a su vez la evolución de los tratamientos dentales enfocados en una odontología conservadora mínimamente invasiva; Sin embargo, los métodos de anestesia que implementamos siguen siendo anticuados y obsoletos, motivo por el cual, seguimos causando miedos y fobias al utilizar el típico carpule de anestesia metálico; Es por ello que hoy queremos ofrecerte un cambio realmente favorable a ese primer encuentro odontólogo-paciente utilizando el QuickSleeper de Dental Hi Tec como método eficaz, seguro e indoloro para hacer de nuestros tratamientos dentales una verdadera sorpresa llena de confort y tranquilidad tanto para el profesional como para el paciente.
Oradoras: Dra. Maria Gabriella Gil Perez

la endodoncia es tal vez la especialidad dental con más necesidad y más dificultad para conseguir una anestesia profunda y eficaz. Describimos como con Quick Sleeper 5 esto se puede conseguir de una forma sencilla y predecible en la mayoría de casos.
Oradoras: Dr. Ricardo Andrès Cejudo Martin

A practical approach in Pediatric Dentistry
Speakers : Marina PAPACHRONI & Andrew PRYNNE

Intraosseous Anesthesia - The Game-Changer !
During this set of 5 webinars, find out about an advanced and proven technique of local anesthesia that answers all the issues of traditional techniques, and makes a huge difference at your practice, for yourself and your patients.
Speakers : Stéphane DIAZ & Andrew PRYNNE
- Why traditional techniques fail to be totally efficient in daily practice
- The concept of Intraosseous anesthesia
- Why Intraosseous anesthesia is so efficient and yet totally painless
- In which applications you can use it
- The protocol to perform Intraosseous anesthesia

Intraosseous Anesthesia in General Practice : An accessible revolution?
During this set of 5 webinars, find out about an advanced and proven technique of local anesthesia that answers all the issues of traditional techniques, and makes a huge difference at your practice, for yourself and your patients.
Speakers : Stéphane DIAZ & Andrew PRYNNE
- What is intraosseous anesthesia and its concept
- How it can improve your daily patient care
- Why it can impact positively your own stress
- What are the benefits on the efficiency of your business
- Why and How could you integrate intraosseous anesthesia to your practice

Intraosseous Anesthesia: Unseen opportunities in Endodontics
During this set of 5 webinars, find out about an advanced and proven technique of local anesthesia that answers all the issues of traditional techniques, and makes a huge difference at your practice, for yourself and your patients.
Speakers : Stéphane DIAZ & Andrew PRYNNE
- Why anesthesia is a challenge in Endodontics
- How to improves significantly the success rate of anesthesia, with just a single injection
- Why your patients will no longer suffer from unnecessary numbness or post-operative side effects
- How to perform profound and immediate anesthesia
- That you can get rid off the stress of anesthetizing lower mandibular molars and hot teeth !

Intraosseous Anesthesia: The Game-Changer in Pediatric Dentistry
During this set of 5 webinars, find out about an advanced and proven technique of local anesthesia that answers all the issues of traditional techniques, and makes a huge difference at your practice, for yourself and your patients.
Speakers : Antonio Pedro SILVA & Andrew PRYNNE
- What is Intraosseous Anesthesia and its benefits - for practioners and for little patients
- The applications of IOA - even on MIH
- How it is performed on children - Tricks and Tips
- Why it is the Game Changer? - and the best choice of local anesthesia for children

Intraosseous Anesthesia: A powerful Marketing & Management tool for your practice
During this set of 5 webinars, find out about an advanced and proven technique of local anesthesia that answers all the issues of traditional techniques, and makes a huge difference at your practice, for yourself and your patients. Speakers : Andrew PRYNNE & Stéphane DIAZ
- What are the clinical benefits of intraosseous anesthesia - for practioners and for patients
- Why intraosseous anesthesia rises the satisfaction and loyalty of your patients - and reduces your own stress
- How it helps managing your appointments book - and thus the profitability of your practice
- Why and how to use theses benefits on a Maketing and Management tool for your practice

Dr. Luc Berden
General Practice

Prof. Johan APS
Pediatric specialist
Dr. Andrew PRYNNE
Bournemouth, UK
General Practice

Dr. Antonio Pedro SILVA
Antwerp, Belgium
Pediatric specialist
Dr. Stéphane DIAZ
Nantes, France
Endodontic specialist & Implantologist

Dra. Maria Gabriella Gil Perez
Barcelona, España
General Practice

Dr. Ricardo Andrès Cejudo Martin
Madrid, España
Pediatric specialist

Dr. Marina Papachroni
Pediatric specialist