Dear Pediatric Dentist,
The upcoming month is a spurring momentum for Pediatric Dentistry, and it is an honor for Dentalhitec to sponsor groundbreaking events such as ICCPD, IAPD Webinar, IAPD Global Summit in Porto, Pediatric Dentistry Symposium at CAPP Dubai, and the symposium of The Alliance of MIH Investigation and Treatment (AMIT) in Berlin.
We strongly believe that anesthesia, once well managed - immediatly successful, stress-free and, above all, totally painless - sets the powerfull foundations of a high quality dentistry. We also trust that offering painless cares to little patients will improve prevention and lead to a better overall oral health of grown-ups.
Yet, because you are the pathfinders of your speciality and the pioneers of your countries, we aim to ease your access the most innovative and satisfying technique of intraosseous anesthesia, performed with the most reliable electronic injection devices available on the market.
Find out the priviledges you deserve !
Make the most of Pediatric Month and get the best advice to change your life
and those of your patients !
Which device is the most suitable for your practice ?
Dr Marina PAPACHRONI gives an insight.
Which device is the most suitable for your practice ?
Dr Marina PAPACHRONI gives an insight.
Intraosseous anesthesia
Game changer in Pediatric Dentistry
In this page, you can find all about intraosseous anesthesia in pediatric dentistry and start to change the game from now on. This page is done by Dentalhitec Academy pediatric team and with support of Dentalhitec to make intraosseous anesthesia more available for all pediatric dentists.
Based on the new protocols issued after the pandemic of COVID-19, Intraosseous anesthesia is even more effective for the dentists who already use the technique. Take a time to see the advantages and start yourself.
Pediatric Dentist
DDS.MSc, Pediatric Dentist
"I started using the SleeperOne device and I was very enthusiastic. It was painless, children were relaxed and we were talking to each other, even joking, during anesthesia. It was easy and friendly to learn. I had the opportunity to work in a whole quadrant with one injection and not complementary anesthesia. Parents were surprised at the end of the procedure and they were asking if there is something like that for their teeth. No more lip bites and phone calls. One more amazing thing was, that I could work in teeth on different quadrants in the same appointment, which was very convenient for the treatment plan. In small children and in special need patients, therapy was much easier because there wasn’t the feeling of numbness. For the same reason, it was possible where the circumstances demand it, to perform therapy even at the first appointment. I can’t imagine going back in typical anesthesia, not for me, not for my patients."
Pediatric Dentist
Antonio Pedro Silva received his specialization in pediatric dentistry from Oporto Dental Medical School in 2011. Dr. Silva is founder of the Pediatric Dentistry Forum with more than 44,000 members from around the world. He has already been invited as a Keynote speaker in several countries: Italy, Spain; United States, Portugal, Mexico, Russia, Israel, Egypt, Iraq, Bulgaria and Ukraine. He is a member of the PR committee of the International Association of Pediatric Dentistry (IAPD) and chairman of the Young IAPD Network for young pediatric dentists of the same organization.